20 Foods You Shouldn’t Refrigerate


We all know that chicken and most dairy products belong in the refrigerator. But there are a few foods that you’ve most likely been storing wrong all along.


1. Watermelon



Although after cutting, watermelons should be kept in the fridge, beforehand they are perfectly fine sitting on the counter. The USDA even suggests that the watermelons retain more antioxidants this way. Just remember to wrap them after you cut them as when you put them in the fridge they will absorb the tastes of other food.

This sweet next in line is nearly inedible when left in the fridge.

2. Honey


If you like your honey syrupy, smooth, and slick then you probably shouldn’t put it in the fridge. When cold, honey will crystalize and can eventually become as hard as a rock. The granules will seize together and become not good for anyone who doesn’t want a thick, white piece of honey chunk.

Honey is a great flavoring, but this next food is a beauty all on its own.

3. Coffee


The best way to store coffee is in an airtight container at room temperature. When it is chilled, it can lose its flavor and even build up condensation that can ruin coffee grounds.  Humidity is no good for coffee grounds or beans.

It’s a good think the next food doesn’t go in the fridge!

4. Pumpkin


When stored in the fridge, pumpkins will gather moisture that will cause them to rot. It’s important that pumpkins do stay cool but it is also crucial that they stay dry as well. So, whip out a piece of cardboard (as a rug may get ruined and cement gathers moisture) and sit your pumpkin in the basement or kitchen.

The next item is often stored wrongfully in the fridge.

5. Onions


Before cutting onions, leave them out in the warmth of the room. When they get cold, they tend to get mushy and unappealing. Not to mention, the humidity speeds up the aging process. After they are cut, however, they do need kept in the fridge or they will dry out. But it’s important you put them in a plastic baggie and into the vegetable drawer where they belong.

Number 6 does ‘nut’ belong in the fridge at all!

6. Nutella


This much-loved and publicized treat should never go in the refrigerator. If you do store it there, it will become a lot less spreadable and will lose much of its chocolate flavor. So keep it sealed in the pantry and you can revel in creamy chocolaty goodness. Now, that’s something to smile about.

The next item may surprise you, but there’s a good reason.

7. Olive Oil


Did you know that olive oil likes the dark? Did you know that’s one of the reasons why it’s often purchased in a dark jar or bottle? While the fridge is dark most of the time, the coldness may cause it to solidify. For extra virgin olive oil, refrigeration can actually affect the flavor of the oil, and you definitely don’t want that.

Another wrongly stored item is next.

8. Herbs


Many people assume herbs should be kept in the fridge in order for them to last longer. But this is simply not true. For one, herbs need to stay dry and when refrigerated, they collect moisture. So for best results, snip off the bottom of the fresh herbs and stick them in a jar of water.

This next food is stored in the fridge the majority of the time.

9. Tomatoes


Yes! Tomatoes are not meant to be stored in the fridge. When you do this, you’re actually killing the poor thing. Not only will it lose its flavor, but it will break down the molecules and leave it grainy. Ripen tomatoes in windowsills for best results and eat them while they are fresh.

Did somebody say tomato? Click next to see!


10. Ketchup


You think that the reason you shouldn’t store ketchup is similar to the reason you shouldn’t store tomatoes? After all, ketchup is tomato based. Well, this isn’t the reason. The real reason is that ketchup is loaded with vinegar, a natural preservative that will keep your ketchup fresh no matter what.

11. Tuna


When you hear the word ‘tuna’ you may think, “hey, it’s fish, I know that goes in the fridge.” But really, canned tuna should be put in the pantry or cabinet. If you put it in the fridge, it is susceptible to rust. If you store it in a dry place, it can last up to five years! However, after you open it, you need to take it out of the can and store it in the fridge.

Another food that needs to be kept dry is next!

12. Bread


It’s ironic why bread needs to be kept out of the fridge. It will dry out! That’s right. In this case, the moisture isn’t the problem, but rather the fact that bread will go stale if kept cold. Though it can be frozen if it won’t be eaten right away if you will toast it later.

13. Potatoes

You say tomato, I say potato. Eh, I guess they both need kept out of the fridge. You may notice that potatoes are often kept in the basement or the bottom of the pantry. That’s because when kept in the fridge, it will become all mushy and grainy as the starches are broken down. Yuck!

A similar food is next, though it is kept cold more often.

14. Apples


You may like cool apples, but the truth is, they will last for weeks out on the counter. The too cool temps and humidity will cause the apples to ripen faster. Though, after a few weeks, it can be beneficial to keep them in the fridge. Or you can just eat them!

One more and you don’t want to miss it!

15. Avocadoes


A nice trick with avocados it to ripen them in the windowsill. They will reach perfection as the creamy flesh sets. It will be the optimum consistency for guacamole. So give it a try, don’t make it hard on yourself by putting it in the fridge!

16. Hot Sauce


For the most flavorful, spicy hot sauce, don’t refrigerate it. The cold with sap away the flavor. Instead, store your vinegar based hot sauce in the pantry for a natural punch!

Another vinegar based food is next! Keep reading!

17. Pickles


Like ketchup, pickles are packed with enough vinegar to last years sealed out in the open! So it’s your choice, keep it in the fridge or enjoy a nice warm and juicy pickle any day!

18. Garlic


Garlic will age faster in the fridge and will unintentionally flavor your food. The bulbs need air or it will permeate the area it is locked in! Keep this in mind unless you want garlic cheese! Hmmm…that does sound good.

Ready for a fruit? Click next?

19. Bananas


So most people don’t keep their bananas int he fridge and with good reason! When refrigerated not only do the peels turn brown, but they will slow down their ripening process.

20. Spices



Along with other flavorful foods, the cold and humidity will break down the flavors of the spices, extracting the strong taste. So, for best results, keep them at room temperature!

